OGHS Band Classes A/B Day Update

From Mr. Howell:

  • Please remember to bring your instrument and music.
  • Upon returning to campus, you will be screened and temperature will be taken.
  • Immediately following this, bring your instrument directly to the band room. Remember to observe all social distancing instructions along the way.
  • You will be shown how and where to store your instrument. Students that have band during third period will also be allowed to leave their lunch if necessary.
  • Afterwards, go directly to your first period class.
  • DO NOT come to the band room if you don’t have anything to store.

2020 – 2021 Field Show Announcement

The 2020 - 2021 Oak Grove High School "Sound of Grizzly Pride" is proud to announce our 2020 - 2021 Field Show ...

WE 'R'

Our country is going through some difficult times. WE 'R' (are) gives the band a chance to portray our reactions to the strife and the incredible resilience and determination we have as people in our society.

The first movement. 'Resilient', represents both the innocence and peace that we all have before being presented with challenging or tragic situations. Using quotes from several children's songs, this playful movement is also a powerful way to begin our show.

'Relentless' hits right away with dissonant chords signaling that all is not well. Our fierce determination fights a musical battle with the adversity and the music signals that we will persevere and power through the tough times.

The last movement, 'Reverence" represents hope by making use of Horatio Spafford's "It Is Well With My Soul". In life, we are all presented with challenges and struggles. The three 'R's represented in our show certainly are a powerful weapon in our fight against the adversity we face in life. WE 'R'.

Oak Grove Band Masks!

We've got a mask that we hope you will be proud to wear! Support your Oak Grove Bands - The Sound of Grizzly Pride with these great masks with our band logo on them. We've got two styles - the standard loops over your ears style and a bandanna style that can be tied behind your head. Each style is just $10 and the best thing is that $5 from each goes back into our band program!

Just click on the link below to go straight to our "Band Fees & Store" page where you will see the option to purchase the masks.

Please put your student's name under order notes before placing your order.

Masks will be delivered to students the week of September 14th.


Congratulations to our 2020-2021 Leadership Team

Congratulations go out to the following students who have earned a spot on the 2020-2021 Leadership Team:


Drum Major - Katherine McKenzie
Assistant Drum Major - Cadyn Martin


Woodwind Captain - Valerie Yen
Brass Captain - Gregory Willis
Front Ensemble Captain - Haley Ray
Drumline Captain - Matthew Zipp
Color Guard Captain - Ainsley Briggs


Section Leadership:
Flute/Piccolo - Dorian Yarbrough
Clarinet - Jack Tincher
Also Saxophone - Lauren Fritzsche
Tenor Saxophone - Hunter Caslin/Daniel Hall
Trumpet - Chloe Williamson
Mellophone - Jacob Dover
Trombone - Noah Mills
Baritone - Emily McManus
Tuba - Hunter Blakley
Front Ensemble - Joanna Goodman
Snare - Matthew Zipp
Bass - Lane Brady


Congratulations to all who interviewed!  Remember that everyone can "Lead by Example"!

Butter Braids & Cookie Dough Delivery!

Butter braid and cookie dough pick up has been scheduled for this Friday, May 22nd from 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm at OGHS. There will be two separate lines for pick up - one for high school orders and one for middle school orders. You will directed which way to go when you enter. All items MUST be picked up this Friday between 3:00 and 7:00 since we have no storage for them.

Thank you for all your work in participating in this fundraiser and thank you for your patience as we figured out a way between the school and fundraising company to make this pick up happen.

Attention Upcoming Freshmen

If you are an upcoming Freshman at OGHS (current 8th grader at OGMS) be sure to check out our "Heading to High School" tab to get more information on our band family at OGHS and what we have to offer!


Updated – Spring Dates

Due to COVID-19 please refer to this updated schedule for now:

March 27th - Marching Band Contract & First Deposit ($50) Due

April 10th - Marching Band Contract & First Deposit ($50) Due

April 21st - Band Boosters Meeting @ 7:00 pm

April 25th - NW District  Solo & Ensemble MPA at Reagan High School

May 8th - End of Year Band Banquet at OGHS  Postponed

May 18th - OGMS Spring Concert @ 6:00 pm for 6th Grade, 7:00 pm for 7th
& 8th Grade at OGHS Auditorium

May 28th - OGHS Spring Concert @ 7:00 pm at OGHS Auditorium

June 2nd - OGHS Graduation Band Practice 3:30 - 5:30 pm

June 13th - OGHS Graduation Band Performance

Google Classroom Codes

March 16, 2020

Students and Parents:

Here are the class codes for our Google Classrooms. Students are to join the class as soon as possible. Spread the word for those that may not be on the REMIND app or check their email!

Don’t forget to come to school tomorrow to get instruments/music if needed. Specific instructions were sent earlier today, especially for those that play school-owned instruments.

Wind Ensemble members are reminded to bring their course registration papers for next school year to me tomorrow when they come to get instruments but should just hang on to them if instruments are already at home.

Go to Google, click the icon with the upper right to access Google Classroom. Enter the following code to join the appropriate class:

3rd Period
WIND ENSEMBLE (Intermediate): prsdy5a

3rd Period
WIND ENSEMBLE (Proficient): q4ro7yv

4th Period
CONCERT BAND (Intermediate): rhqxntb

4th Period CONCERT BAND (Proficient): hdpd2xg


Mike Howell