2023 Fall Fruit Sale

Oak Grove Band Students and Parents,

Today our band directors began distributing materials for our annual fruit sale. This fundraiser is an important sale to us and will allow our program to continue growing and developing excellence in music here at Oak Grove.

This year’s sale will run from Friday, November 3rd - Monday, November 13th.

We will be able to sell both online and via the order brochures and envelopes that will be given to your student! Our supporters will have an option of direct shipment to their home or a delivery to the school on 12/5/2023 from 3:30-6:30.

Our website for online sales is:


All students must turn in their fruit orders on Monday 11/13/2023 no orders will be accepted after 11/14/2023.

Our goal is for each student to sell 5 items! here are also a few NEW Non-Fruit Items in the brochure and online as well!!!!

We have the following rewards in place for students:

  • Students reaching their goal (selling 5 items) will have an ice cream/dessert party during their class period!!


  • Marching Band Students who sell 5 items or turn in a donation of at least $25 will also have 50% of their profits earned applied to their band account balances/credits. (Profits range from $5-$11 depending on the product ordered).
  • Middle School Band Students who sell 8 items or more will receive their performance shirt (black dry-fit polo shirt with the OG Bands logo embroidered on the left chest) provided at no cost from the Oak Grove Band Boosters.
  • The overall top seller in the High School Group and Middle School Group will earn $100 cash.
  • Each grade-level top seller will receive  $25 cash, and each grade-level runner-up top seller will receive $10 cash.

**The High School and Middle School Top Seller will not receive both the top seller AND the grade level top seller award. The grade that has the top overall High School and Middle School seller in it will have the $25 gift card given to the 2nd place seller and the $15 gift card will go to the 3rd place seller in that grade.**

***If a student earns a top seller reward and has an outstanding band fee/account balance, their reward will be applied to that balance.***

  • Students selling one through four boxes will receive a small prize/sweet treat per box given by the band directors.

This year on delivery day, December 5, 2023, we have asked that the fruit be delivered to the high school band room in the morning so that we can stage the orders for pick up by seller name to reduce confusion at pick-up time. We will need parent/adult volunteers to make this happen (volunteers at the school during school hours are required to check in at the office)!

We know that together, we can knock this fundraiser out of the park and allow our program to continue growing, acquiring the items and equipment we need for success. Good luck Grizzlies!!!!!!

In Music,


Brooke Hamby

Oak Grove Band Boosters

Fundraising Chairperson

[email protected]

Fall Concert Moved

October 16, 2023

Students and Parents:
As of today, there is better than a 60% chance of rain on Friday evening. This would potentially force a move of the varsity football game (also our senior night) to Thursday. If that were to happen, we would not be able to have our Concert Band and Wind Ensemble Fall Concert. The JV game has already been moved to Wednesday in anticipation of this move.

I had originally reserved next Thursday, the 26th as an alternate concert date and we will be using that for the Fall Concert. In order to work with a few musicians that are also on the JV football team, we will be starting the concert at 7:30pm.

I have spoken with all of the students and the few conflicts I heard about have been resolved.  I am looking forward to seeing you all next Thursday, October 26th at 7:30pm in the OGHS Auditorium.

Mike Howell

2023 Marching Band Camp Information

(much more will be shared during the camp registration meeting on the 6th)

Student Leadership Camp and Special Drumline Performance

Our Student Leadership Team is a crucial part of our marching band at OG! These students have applied for this position and have been accepted based on their past performance ability as well as potential as leaders. During this part of camp, these students will be discussing skills, tips/tricks, etc. at how to become leaders as well as learn about this season’s sections and will create a unified plan for the camp and season. It is critical that each member of the leadership team be present to make sure they receive this training and make sure their voice is heard for the season.

On Thursday, August 3rd, the entire Administration of Davidson County Schools (County Office personnel as well as all school Principals and Assistant Principals) will be finishing their final day of training. As this will have been held at OGHS, we have been asked to provide some musical entertainment for their final meeting. I would love to have all of our drumline members and some other selected students make this happen for our school leadership. An email has been sent to those involved and it is my hope that we can provide some great music for them!

Camp Registration, Info Meeting & Reception

Beginning at 5:30pm on August, 6th (Sunday) we will have our staggered registration, followed by a full info session in the auditorium and a brief reception afterwards in our cafeteria. During registration, any fees may be paid, items may be ordered and those that have selected the specific plan may sign-up for volunteer opportunities. The full information session will have the introduction of staff, student leadership, Band Booster Board Members and we will be sharing tons of information about camp as well as the season. Bring questions! Following the meeting, we will have a reception/season kick-off celebration in the cafeteria. Cake squares, snacks and drinks will be available and this will be a great time for everyone to meet and get to
know each other!

Staggered Registration Schedule (Please arrive at your designated time):

5:30pm – 6:00pm: All RETURNING Hornline Members and Drum Majors

6:00pm – 6:30pm: All RETURNING Color Guard and Percussion Members

6:30pm – 7:00pm: All NEW Members regardless of section

7:00pm: Full Information Session/Meeting for EVERYONE in the Auditorium.

NO FOOD OR DRINKS in Auditorium! No Exceptions!

Reception to follow in the cafeteria!

Band Camp – Weeks 1 & 2

Monday the 7th, regular camp days begin! As you will see, there are staggered arrival and dismissal times. ALL MEALS should be taken care of before arrival, after dismissal or during the one hour break between 12:00pm – 1:00pm or 4:00pm – 5:00pm. Although small water breaks will be taken throughout practice, NO formal meal breaks will happen during rehearsal hours.

Specific Daily Schedule for Sections (Please arrive BEFORE your rehearsal begins!)

9:00am – 12:00pm: HORNLINE & DRUM MAJORS


5:00pm – 8:00pm: EVERYONE

Uniform Fittings: On Tuesday the 15th beginning at 4pm, our representative from Stanbury Uniforms will be at OG to measure any student needing gloves, pants (bibs) and shoes.

2023 Marching Band Camp Schedule

July 28, 2023

Students and Parents:

It is almost that time… BAND CAMP 2023!

I hope everyone is having a great summer and has had time to rest and relax. Please find some info here
about our upcoming marching band camp activities. Please remember that band camp is REQUIRED for all
members of the OGHS Marching Band.

For all RETURNING members, please be aware that our schedule for camp is different than in years past.
We think that this change will maximize instructional time with staff and increase productivity. Any issues
with these times, transportation, etc. will be handled on a case-by-case basis with the band directors.


This is a ton of information with staggered times, dates, etc. Read the following pages very carefully and highlight what applies to you!

2023-24 OGHS “Sound of Grizzly Pride” Marching Band CAMP SCHEDULE
(fyi.. “Hornline” is ALL Brass and Woodwinds. “Percussion” is Drumline and Front Ensemble)

Thursday, August 3rd: *Special email sent to all students involved in this activity
12:00pm – 5:00pm – OGHS Band Room (section leaders, captains, drum majors only)
OGHS DRUMLINE – Special Performance during DCS Administrator Training
12:00pm – 5:00pm – OGHS Band Room

Friday, August 4th:
9:00am – 12:00pm – OGHS Band Room (section leaders, captains, drum majors only)

Saturday, August 5th:
No Camp Activities Today

Everyone should get some rest and work on your required items for camp (listed below).

Sunday, August 6th: First Day for EVERYONE!!
At least 1 parent or guardian (adult representative) must be present for each student!
5:30pm – 8:00pm – OGHS Auditorium and Cafeteria
(ALL MEMBERS and at least 1 parent or guardian/adult representative!)

Monday, August 7th – Friday, August 11th:
Hornline & Drum Majors – 9:00am – 12:00pm
Percussion, Color Guard & Drum Majors – 1:00pm – 4:00pm
EVERYONE – 5:00pm – 8:00pm

Saturday & Sunday, August 12th & 13th
No Camp Activities These Days (get some rest!)

Monday, August 14th – Thursday, August 17th:
Hornline & Drum Majors – 9:00am – 12:00pm
Percussion, Color Guard & Drum Majors – 1:00pm – 4:00pm
EVERYONE – 5:00pm – 8:00pm

** Uniform Fittings will take place on Tuesday, the 15th. More details during camp.

** Section and Senior Pics (for banners) will also take place this week. Details soon.

Friday, August 18th:
PREVIEW PERFORMANCE of “The Red Brick Road” During Halftime!!
EVERYONE – 1:00pm – until
Specific details about game will be sent during camp.

*Remember that ALL of our events are REQUIRED and EXPECTED from ALL members of
the 2023-24 OGHS “Sound of Grizzly Pride” Marching Band!

Mike Howell

2023 Sound of Grizzly Pride Marching Season Sign Up

Please see this message emailed to the students by Mr Howell on Monday… it is time to sign up for the sound of Grizzly Pride 2023:

Hello All!

I sincerely hope that you will consider participating in this coming school year's edition of the "Sound of Grizzly Pride" Marching Band! The Booster Board, Staff and Directors are all working towards another successful and exciting season for this group!

Attached to this message please find the following...

1. A Season Schedule, version 1 which is somewhat tentative but will be continually updated  schedulefall22vPRELIM

2. A Parent/Booster Handbook  OAK GROVE Band Parent Handbook 2023

3. A Financial Aid/Alternate Payment Agreement Form from the Boosters

4. The OFFICIAL Registration Form. (must be completed for membership and should be completed WITH a Parent)

Any questions? Please let me know sooner than later.

Hope to see you "on the field" soon!

Mr. H

OGMS Beginning Band

Friedberg, Midway and Wallburg fifth graders welcome to Oak Grove Bands! We're excited that you're wanting to join beginning band at OGMS and can't wait to have you join us.

Sign up for the instrument "petting zoo" can be found at this link:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f49afab2ea4f8c34-oakgrove#/

For more information on beginning band at OGMS just follow this link to our beginning band page:  https://oakgrovebands.com/beginning-band-at-oak-grove-middle-school/


Oak Grove Bands Sponsorship

Are you a local business owner or know someone who is?

Do you work for a company that would be interested in supporting our band program and getting their name out to the community as a sponsor?

Are you a band family who would like an extra way to support Oak Grove Bands?

Well we have a great a sponsorship program with opportunities on many different levels of support for you!

The Oak Grove Band Boosters Sponsor Program offers sponsorship opportunities to both businesses and individuals. Sponsorships range from our $50 “Eighth Note” Level to our $5,000+ “Sound of Grizzly Pride” Level.

How do Sponsors Benefit?

Businesses that “partner” with the band will receive varying levels of recognition based upon their level of support. They gain community exposure (advertising) and are eligible for tax write-offs as we are a registered non-profit 501c(3). By partnering with local businesses, we are making community connections. Businesses that invest in a program that instills discipline, work ethic, music appreciation, fitness, camaraderie, and respect are investing in this community’s future leaders!

How Do Our Students Benefit?

Not only do our bands perform at concerts and most home football games, we also travel to competitions in various areas within North Carolina. These trips allow students to showcase their talents and represent our school.  Our students both at the middle and high school levels also compete and perform in County, District, and State Honor Band Clinics, further representing our Community.

All funds collected through the sponsor program go directly into the general band fund to finance band travel, visiting instructor stipends, member sponsorships (for in need families to help with MB dues), equipment cost and maintenance, music licensing and purchase, etc.

Finding Your Sponsors

To assist in the collection of all required information, we are providing information that details each level available to our community partners/individual benefactors. Start with companies that you support on a regular basis: your dentist, your exterminator, a local contractor, etc. Your positive testimony about the Oak Grove Band Program is the best pitch!

Please note: It is VERY IMPORTANT that you provide your contact information at the bottom of the Sponsorship Form. Having this information provides the potential sponsor contact for questions and provides the boosters with information necessary to get in touch with you if needed.

Just click on this link Sponsorship Form for our sponsorship form for all of the details.

Dewey’s Store Coverage

Students, Parents and Supporters of the OG Bands,

As all of you hopefully know, we are currently running our annual Dewey’s Holiday Bakery Store in the Food Lion shopping center located at the corner of Hickory Tree Rd. and Peters Creek Parkway (NC 150).

This is probably the best fundraiser we have throughout the year to raise funds for our band program at both the middle and high schools.

I am sending this URGENT PLEA to ask for your help in staffing our store!

To be honest, this is the FIRST year in the history of our store that we have had (or will have) MULTIPLE SHIFTS UNSTAFFED resulting in the store having to close or not be opened!

I cannot do more than BEG again for you to volunteer for this incredibly easy job. PLEASE sign-up for a shift. There is a quick training video you could watch and then you’d be good to go.

ANYONE 18 and older can do this! Parents, Relatives, Friends, Neighbors, etc. can work to make this happen for our band students at OG.

As of right now, we have had two days in a row that the store has not been open due to uncovered shifts, we have no coverage tomorrow afternoon and there are many vacant spots in the next few days!

Here is the link again to the Sign-up Genius. PLEASE HELP!!!


Mike Howel

2022 Dewey’s Store

Now that Halloween is over we all know what comes next … the OG Bands Dewey’s Store!  This is our largest fundraiser of the year and we need you – all OG band parents (marching band, high school wind ensemble and concert bands and middle school band) to sign up for a slot to help out.  If every family signed up for just one slot the whole season would be covered.  Feel free to ask other family members and friends to sign up to help as well.

Just click on the link below to get your first pick of time slots that fit your schedule.  


Davidson County Band Night

Thank you to everyone who came out to our marching band parent meeting on Tuesday evening.  We hope everyone is as excited as we are to have the opportunity to host Davidson County Band Night at OGHS on Tuesday, October 4th with gates opening at 4:00 and performance of the National Anthem at 5:00!

Thank you also to everyone who signed up for volunteer slots Tuesday evening.  Below you will find a Sign Up Genius for this event.  If you signed up Tuesday night you're already on there.  We still need more volunteers to make this event the success it's destined to be.  Please sign up for a slot where you can help.  Invite family, friends, church groups, etc, to help as well.  The more help we have the less burden there will be on the group as a whole.


Concession Stand Workers Sign Up

Thank you to everyone who came out last night to our Marching Band Registration and Parent Meeting.

A huge thank you also to everyone who signed up help work the concession stand last evening.  You have already been added to the schedule and should have received an email confirming you were added.

We still have some open slots though, so here is the link to the Sign Up Genius for the concession stand for varsity and junior varsity games.  Just click on it and pick a time you would like to help!



2022 Band Camp Daily Schedule

  • Schedule may be different depending the student’s section. Read Carefully!
  • Arrive at least 15 minutes early for events. Do not show-up at 7:55 if we start at 8:00. You will not have enough time!
  • You may bring lunch/dinner with you or have it delivered but you may NOT leave campus. Plan accordingly!
  • Please read the following schedule VERY CAREFULLY!

Main Camp Daily Schedule 2022


Sign Up for the Band App

Still not on the Band App? This is the best way to stay up to date on all things going on with the Oak Grove Bands – OGHS Marching Band, OGHS Wind Ensemble, OGHS Concert Band and OGMS Band.

Join today using this code:

Marching Band Camp Schedule 2022

It is almost that time… BAND CAMP 2022!

I hope everyone is having a great summer and has had time to rest and relax. Please find some info here about our upcoming marching band camp activities. Please remember that band camp is REQUIRED for all members of the OGHS Marching Band.

Due to some DCS Administrator Training that will be taking place at OGHS and OGMS on Monday, August 8th, we will be adjusting camp activities as follows:

Thursday, August 4th and Friday, August 5th: STUDENT LEADERSHIP TEAM TRAINING
8:00am – 12:00pm @OGHS
(section leaders, captains, drum majors only)

Sunday, August 7th: No Camp Activities Today

At least 1 parent or guardian must be present for each student!
5:00pm – 8:00pm @OGHS
(ALL MEMBERS and at least 1 parent or guardian!)

Tuesday, August 9th – Friday, August 12th: CAMP INSTRUCTION BEGINS!
Color Guard/Hornline – 8:00am – 5:00pm
Percussion – Check with Mr. Holcomb for schedule

Saturday, August 13th & Sunday August 14th: No Camp Activities These Days

Monday, August 15th – Friday, August 19th: CAMP INSTRUCTION CONTINUES
Color Guard/Hornline – 1:00pm – 8:00pm
Percussion – Check with Mr. Holcomb for schedule

All food (lunches, dinners, snack breaks) will be discussed during the info meeting on Monday, August 8th, as well as specific requirements/needs for camp.

Remember that a parent or guardian representative for each student member of the marching band MUST be present for the activities on Monday, the 8th! No exceptions.

More info will be sent to the students’ school email address as well as posted on the band website (www.oakgrovebands.com) and the BAND App over the next week or so. Please keep an eye on these! No excuses for not receiving information this season.

If you are not already on the BAND App, go to www.band.us and search for Oak Grove Bands.

Looking so forward to seeing everyone for camp. I know it is going to be a great season!

Mike Howell

Beginning Band at Oak Grove Middle School

Have a rising 6th grader at OGMS who is interested in band? Click on the “Beginning Band at Oak Grove Middle School” tab above to get more information.

Parents should sign up for an instrument “petting zoo” meeting date and time that
works well for their family. This sign-up must be completed on-line by visiting the following website:


We look forward to having your student join our Oak Grove Bands program!

An Open Invitation to Past OGHS Band Students for the Spring Concert

Save the Date! OGHS Spring Concert featuring the premier of "LIMITLESS" by Bruce Tippette. This piece was commissioned in the fall of 2019 for the first ever graduating class of OGHS. The class of 2020 was never able to perform this piece due to the pandemic.

I am asking everyone to help spread the word about the following...I am inviting back to OG, any and all members of the classes of 2020 and 2021 that played an instrument in the Oak Grove Concert Band or Wind Ensemble to help us premier this piece! If you would like to sit-in and play with us on this piece at the concert on May 19th, please email Mr. Howell ([email protected]) as soon as possible and I will send you the music and more details!

If you are not interested in playing but would still like to come hear the premier, we'd still love to have you back on campus at OG!

Mr. Howell