If you are an upcoming Freshman at OGHS (current 8th grader at OGMS) be sure to check out our "Heading to High School" tab to get more information on our band family at OGHS and what we have to offer!
Due to COVID-19 please refer to this updated schedule for now:
March 27th - Marching Band Contract & First Deposit ($50) Due
April 10th - Marching Band Contract & First Deposit ($50) Due
April 21st - Band Boosters Meeting @ 7:00 pm
April 25th - NW District Solo & Ensemble MPA at Reagan High School
May 8th - End of Year Band Banquet at OGHS Postponed
May 18th - OGMS Spring Concert @ 6:00 pm for 6th Grade, 7:00 pm for 7th
& 8th Grade at OGHS Auditorium
May 28th - OGHS Spring Concert @ 7:00 pm at OGHS Auditorium
June 2nd - OGHS Graduation Band Practice 3:30 - 5:30 pm
June 13th - OGHS Graduation Band Performance
See the following letter for updates from Mr. Howell.
March 16, 2020
Students and Parents:
Here are the class codes for our Google Classrooms. Students are to join the class as soon as possible. Spread the word for those that may not be on the REMIND app or check their email!
Don’t forget to come to school tomorrow to get instruments/music if needed. Specific instructions were sent earlier today, especially for those that play school-owned instruments.
Wind Ensemble members are reminded to bring their course registration papers for next school year to me tomorrow when they come to get instruments but should just hang on to them if instruments are already at home.
Go to Google, click the icon with the upper right to access Google Classroom. Enter the following code to join the appropriate class:
3rd Period
WIND ENSEMBLE (Intermediate): prsdy5a
3rd Period
WIND ENSEMBLE (Proficient): q4ro7yv
4th Period
CONCERT BAND (Intermediate): rhqxntb
4th Period CONCERT BAND (Proficient): hdpd2xg
Mike Howell
Below, please find a letter from Mr. Howell about important updates to the OGHS Band program due to COVID-19.
Also, please find OGHS Band Coronavirus Enrichment Activities for students to complete each day at home.
We will update as any more information comes out.
Due to COVID-19 all MPA performances have been cancelled. All meetings & volunteering in the school system has been cancelled as well so there will be no Band Boosters Meeting in March.
Please refer to this updated schedule for now:
March 17th - OGHS Concert Band MPA @ 4:20 pm at Lenoir Rhyne
March 17th - Band Boosters Meeting @ 7:00
March 20th - OHGS Wind Ensemble MPA @ 10:10 am at Lenoir Rhyne
March 25th - OGMS 8th Grade Symphonic Band MPA @ 10:45 am at Lenoir Rhyne
March 26th - Butter Braids & Cookie Dough Fundraiser Delivery & Pick Up (time TBA)
March 27th - Marching Band Contract & First Deposit ($50) Due
April 21st - Band Boosters Meeting @ 7:00 pm
April 25th - NW District Solo & Ensemble MPA at Reagan High School
May 8th - End of Year Band Banquet (time TBD) at OGHS
May 18th - OGMS Spring Concert @ 6:00 pm for 6th Grade, 7:00 pm for 7th & 8th Grade at OGHS Auditorium
May 28th - OGHS Spring Concert @ 7:00 pm at OGHS Auditorium
June 2nd - OGHS Graduation Band Practice 3:30 - 5:30 pm
June 13th - OGHS Graduation Band Performance
A survey is being emailed to student email addresses. All current 8th - 11th grade band students need to complete this survey by Friday, March 13th.
If you cannot open the link in the email, here is the link:
Complete by Friday, March 13th!
Here is the 2020-2021 Marching Band Contract. This needs to be completed, signed and returned by Friday, March 27th along with the first payment of $50.00.
March 12th - Butter Braids & Cookie Dough Fundraiser Due
March 17th - OGHS Concert Band MPA @ 4:20 pm at Lenoir Rhyne
March 17th - Band Boosters Meeting @ 7:00
March 20th - OHGS Wind Ensemble MPA @ 10:10 am at Lenoir Rhyne
March 25th - OGMS 8th Grade Symphonic Band MPA @ 10:45 am at Lenoir Rhyne
March 26th - Butter Braids & Cookie Dough Fundraiser Delivery & Pick Up (time TBA)
March 27th - Marching Band Contract & First Deposit ($50) Due
April 21st - Band Boosters Meeting @ 7:00 pm
April 25th - NW District Solo & Ensemble MPA at Reagan High School
May 8th - End of Year Band Banquet (time TBD) at OGHS
May 18th - OGMS Spring Concert @ 6:00 pm for 6th Grade, 7:00 pm for 7th & 8th Grade at OGHS Auditorium
May 28th - OGHS Spring Concert @ 7:00 pm at OGHS Auditorium
June 2nd - OGHS Graduation Band Practice 3:30 - 5:30 pm
June 13th - OGHS Graduation Band Performance
Our final fundraiser for this year will be Butter Braids and Cookie Dough! We are fortunate that our band program is continuing to grow and with your support we are confident that we can raise the money needed to make our program successful for the benefit of our children, the school, and our community.
Keeping that in mind we would like to ask for 100% participation from our students with a goal of selling 5 or more items each.
Make checks payable to Oak Grove Band Boosters.
Important Dates:
February 28th - Fundraiser begins
March 12th - All order and money need to be turned in
March 26th - Butter braids and Cookie Dough will be delivered and will need to be picked up