Updated – Spring Dates

Due to COVID-19 all MPA performances have been cancelled. All meetings & volunteering in the school system has been cancelled as well so there will be no Band Boosters Meeting in March.

Please refer to this updated schedule for now:

March 17th - OGHS Concert Band MPA @ 4:20 pm at Lenoir Rhyne
March 17th - Band Boosters Meeting @ 7:00
March 20th - OHGS Wind Ensemble MPA @ 10:10 am at Lenoir Rhyne
March 25th - OGMS 8th Grade Symphonic Band MPA @ 10:45 am at Lenoir Rhyne
March 26th - Butter Braids & Cookie Dough Fundraiser Delivery & Pick Up (time TBA)
March 27th - Marching Band Contract & First Deposit ($50) Due

April 21st - Band Boosters Meeting @ 7:00 pm
April 25th - NW District  Solo & Ensemble MPA at Reagan High School

May 8th - End of Year Band Banquet (time TBD) at OGHS
May 18th - OGMS Spring Concert @ 6:00 pm for 6th Grade, 7:00 pm for 7th & 8th Grade at OGHS Auditorium
May 28th - OGHS Spring Concert @ 7:00 pm at OGHS Auditorium

June 2nd - OGHS Graduation Band Practice 3:30 - 5:30 pm
June 13th - OGHS Graduation Band Performance

2020-2021 Important Band Information

A survey is being emailed to student email addresses. All current 8th - 11th grade band students need to complete this survey by Friday, March 13th.

If you cannot open the link in the email, here is the link:


Complete by Friday, March 13th!


Here is the 2020-2021 Marching Band Contract. This needs to be completed, signed and returned by Friday, March 27th along with the first payment of $50.00.

Marching Band Contract

Important Spring Dates

March 12th - Butter Braids & Cookie Dough Fundraiser Due
March 17th - OGHS Concert Band MPA @ 4:20 pm at Lenoir Rhyne
March 17th - Band Boosters Meeting @ 7:00
March 20th - OHGS Wind Ensemble MPA @ 10:10 am at Lenoir Rhyne
March 25th - OGMS 8th Grade Symphonic Band MPA @ 10:45 am at Lenoir Rhyne
March 26th - Butter Braids & Cookie Dough Fundraiser Delivery & Pick Up (time TBA)
March 27th - Marching Band Contract & First Deposit ($50) Due

April 21st - Band Boosters Meeting @ 7:00 pm
April 25th - NW District  Solo & Ensemble MPA at Reagan High School

May 8th - End of Year Band Banquet (time TBD) at OGHS
May 18th - OGMS Spring Concert @ 6:00 pm for 6th Grade, 7:00 pm for 7th & 8th Grade at OGHS Auditorium
May 28th - OGHS Spring Concert @ 7:00 pm at OGHS Auditorium

June 2nd - OGHS Graduation Band Practice 3:30 - 5:30 pm
June 13th - OGHS Graduation Band Performance

Spring Fundraiser – Butter Braids and Cookie Dough

Our final fundraiser for this year will be Butter Braids and Cookie Dough! We are fortunate that our band program is continuing to grow and with your support we are confident that we can raise the money needed to make our program successful for the benefit of our children, the school, and our community.

Keeping that in mind we would like to ask for 100% participation from our students with a goal of selling 5 or more items each.

Make checks payable to Oak Grove Band Boosters.

Important Dates:

February 28th - Fundraiser begins

March 12th - All order and money need to be turned in

March 26th - Butter braids and Cookie Dough will be delivered and will need to be picked up



All District Results for High School

Congratulations go out to to the following members of the Oak Grove High School Band who auditioned and qualified for the 2020 Northwest All-District Honor Band on Saturday. These students competed against others from 16 other counties in the Northwest District Bandmasters Association and will attend a clinic and perform a concert at Appalachian State University in February. Additionally, one of these students, Gregory Willis, scored high enough to be eligible for the NC All-State Honor Band auditions. Congratulations again to all of these musicians and to all who auditioned on Saturday!

All District Results for Middle School

Congratulations go out to to the following members of the Oak Grove Middle School Band who auditioned and qualified for the 2020 Northwest All-District Honor Band on Saturday. 14 middle school musicians qualified for this prestigious ensemble, the most in Davidson County and the 3rd most in the Northwest District. Additionally, 3 of these students placed high enough to be eligible for the NC All-State Honor Band auditions in March. Congratulations to all of these musicians for their incredible accomplishment!

Order Form to Collect Dewey’s Orders

Do you have co-workers that would like to order Dewey's items? What about neighbors or people at church?

Well, we've got a way you can help them get the Dewey's items they want and help Oak Grove Bands! Just print off the list to collect orders, collect the payment (cash only for this) and come by the Dewey's Store with the information. We can fill those orders right then and you can deliver them the very next day!

Deweys - Product List

2019 Dewey’s Store

It's the most wonderful time of the year!  Time for our Dewey's Store to open!  We will be open from Saturday, November 16th through Christmas Eve from 11:00 am - 8:00 pm each day but Thanksgiving.

The Dewey's Store has become a great fundraiser for Oak Grove Bands but it can't be a success without your help.

Click on the link below to choose a volunteer spot when you can help out in the store.  If each band family could cover just one shift we would have the whole schedule covered!


We will also be offering a gift wrapping station for a donation on the weekends that we are asking students to man.  If your student can help out on one of these weekends, just have them sign up using this link:


Sound of Grizzly Pride Gear Available to Order Now

Get your Sound of Grizzly Pride gear! The online store is open and ready to go. This is for all middle school and high school students and families.  For a small upcharge of $2 you can add your name, instrument, or anything you want on the back of all T-shirts and Sweatshirts.

Show your pride and support your band student.

All orders must be placed by this Sunday, October 20th.





Spirit Night at Wallburg Grill & Pizzeria

Monday, October 21st will be Oak Grove Bands Spirit Night at Wallburg Grill & Pizzeria in the Wallburg Towne Centre at the intersection of Gumtree Road and Highway 109. Stop by or place a to go order between 5:00 – 9:00 pm that evening and a percentage of all sales will come back to Oak Grove Bands. Encourage family and friends to eat there that evening as well.

Welcome to the 2019-2020 Oak Grove Bands Season

Welcome booster members and all who support Oak Grove Bands. We’re excited about our third booster season and the many opportunities we all have to support and grow the band programs at Oak Grove Middle and High Schools.

There are many ways in which you can help if you’ve not already jumped in and found your niche. Volunteering in our concession stand during home JV and Varsity football games, assisting the Pit Crew on performance days, assisting the Props crew in designing and building field props, serving on a committee to help plan fundraisers or other events, or simply participating in fundraisers or seeking donations.

Watching our kids grow musically beyond the classroom is a wonderfully rewarding experience, and is made possible by the contributions of time, money and effort from boosters. Please see Mr. Howell or any of our booster board members to find out how you can get involved today!

Welcome to the 2018-2019 Oak Grove Bands Season

Welcome booster members and all who support Oak Grove Bands. We’re excited about our second booster season and the many opportunities we all have to support and grow the band programs at Oak Grove Middle and High Schools.

There are many ways in which you can help if you’ve not already jumped in and found your niche. Volunteering in our concession stand during home JV and Varsity football games, assisting the Pit Crew on performance days, assisting the Props crew in designing and building field props, serving on a committee to help plan fundraisers or other events, or simply participating in fundraisers or seeking donations.

Watching our kids grow musically beyond the classroom is a wonderfully rewarding experience, and is made possible by the contributions of time, money and effort from boosters. Please see Mr. Howell or any of our booster board members to find out how you can get involved today!