Are you a local business owner or know someone who is?
Do you work for a company that would be interested in supporting our band program and getting their name out to the community as a sponsor?
Are you a band family who would like an extra way to support Oak Grove Bands?
Well we have a great a sponsorship program with opportunities on many different levels of support for you!
The Oak Grove Band Boosters Sponsor Program offers sponsorship opportunities to both businesses and individuals. Sponsorships range from our $50 “Eighth Note” Level to our $5,000+ “Sound of Grizzly Pride” Level.
How do Sponsors Benefit?
Businesses that “partner” with the band will receive varying levels of recognition based upon their level of support. They gain community exposure (advertising) and are eligible for tax write-offs as we are a registered non-profit 501c(3). By partnering with local businesses, we are making community connections. Businesses that invest in a program that instills discipline, work ethic, music appreciation, fitness, camaraderie, and respect are investing in this community’s future leaders!
How Do Our Students Benefit?
Not only do our bands perform at concerts and most home football games, we also travel to competitions in various areas within North Carolina. These trips allow students to showcase their talents and represent our school. Our students both at the middle and high school levels also compete and perform in County, District, and State Honor Band Clinics, further representing our Community.
All funds collected through the sponsor program go directly into the general band fund to finance band travel, visiting instructor stipends, member sponsorships (for in need families to help with MB dues), equipment cost and maintenance, music licensing and purchase, etc.
Finding Your Sponsors
To assist in the collection of all required information, we are providing information that details each level available to our community partners/individual benefactors. Start with companies that you support on a regular basis: your dentist, your exterminator, a local contractor, etc. Your positive testimony about the Oak Grove Band Program is the best pitch!
Please note: It is VERY IMPORTANT that you provide your contact information at the bottom of the Sponsorship Form. Having this information provides the potential sponsor contact for questions and provides the boosters with information necessary to get in touch with you if needed.
Just click on this link Sponsorship Form for our sponsorship form for all of the details.