Important Spring Dates

Here are some important dates for the Oak Grove Bands this spring:

Wednesday, March 31st - Pick up Butter Braids and Cookie Dough from 4:30 - 6:30.

Thursday, April 1st - Final home football game Oak Grove vs Thomasville

Tuesday, April 13th - Formal marching band pictures

Thursday, April 15th - End of season marching show for parents

Tuesday, April 20th - Band Boosters Meeting @ 6:00

Tuesday, May 18th - OGMS and OGHS Bands Spring Concerts at OGHS Stadium

For more details seeĀ

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Spring Fundraiser – Butter Braids and Cookie Dough

Our final fundraiser for this year will be Butter Braids and Cookie Dough! We are fortunate that our band program is continuing to grow and with your support we are confident that we can raise the money needed to make our program successful for the benefit of our children, the school, and our community.

Keeping that in mind we would like to ask for 100% participation from our students with a goal of selling 5 or more items each.

Make checks payable to Oak Grove Band Boosters.

Important Dates:

March 1st - Fundraiser begins

March 18th - All order and money need to be turned in

March 31st - Butter Braids and Cookie Dough will be delivered and will need to be picked up.

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