2021 Dewey’s Holiday Store

It's the most wonderful time of the year!  Time to come support your Oak Grove Bands at the 2021 Dewey's Holiday Store!  We will be open every day from 11:00 am - 8:00 pm November 15th through December 23rd.  Christmas Eve we will be open from 8:00 am - 11:00 am.  This year we will be located at the Hickory Tree Crossing Shopping Center in Arcadia at the intersection of Hickory Tree Road and Highway 150 (where Food Lion is).

This year we will be offering a great selection of Oak Grove gear as well.  Perfect Christmas gifts for students, parents, grandparents and anyone in the Oak Grove community.

The Dewey's Store has become a great fundraiser for Oak Grove Bands but it can't be a success without your help.

Click on the link below to choose a volunteer spot when you can help out in the store.  If each band family could cover just one shift we would have the whole schedule covered!


It’s Fruit Sale Time!

It’s that time of year again – Oak Grove Bands Fruit Sale time! Information has gone home with all high school and middle school band students. This fundraiser is an important sale to us and will allow our program to continue growing and developing excellence in music here at Oak Grove.

This year’s sale will run from: Tuesday, October 12th - Monday, November 8th. 

We will be able to sell both on-line and via the order brochures and envelopes that will be given to your student! Our supporters will have an option of direct shipment to their home or a delivery to the school later in the fall.

Our website for online sales is: https://www.shop.floridaindianrivergroves.com/ecommerce/382029

Our goal is for each student to sell 5 items!

We have the following rewards in place for students:

Students that reach their goal will be treated to a donut day.

The top seller in each grade will receive a $25 gift card of their choice and the overall top seller will get a $100 gift card!!!!

We also want to give students the opportunity to earn money towards their student band accounts and fees. We know while the fee amount for the Oak Grove Bands is one of the cheapest around, it is still a large amount of money.

Funds earned from our fundraising efforts go towards the purchase of music, instruments, chairs, stands, instrument

repair, uniforms, props, supplemental staff pay, middle school band books, etc.

How this will work:

A student must sell over the minimum goal amount of 5 items to start earning towards their fees; however their ability to earn fees beyond item 5 is endless.

A student will earn 50% of the profits of each item sold over 5. Therefore, items 6-infinity sold will give a student 50% back into their band account towards band fees.

**If a student still has a band fee balance at the conclusion of the sale AND they are one of the top earners, the monetary amount of their earned reward will also be applied to their remaining fee balance**

I know we can knock this fundraiser out of the park. Good luck Grizzlies!!!!!!


Order Form

QR Code

First Competition – From Mr. Howell


What a day for “The Sound of Grizzly Pride!”

The band competed well against three other groups and, despite being the only group rained-on during performance, came away with some great awards and ratings for their first time out this season!

2nd Place Drum Major
4th Place Color Guard
1st Place Percussion
1st Place Marching
1st Place Music
1st Place Effect
1st Place Overall in Class 2A
Superior Rating Overall

I am sure the band will let this success power them into some really productive practices and performances in the next several weeks, as competition gets more challenging, for sure.

Keep an eye out for Week 10 Letter and Info, including the schedule for the week, coming soon.

I am proud of our Grizzly musicians and can’t wait to see what success lies ahead!

Special thanks today to ALL of the AWESOME PARENTS and SUPPORTERS that helped out at the game last night and that went with us to help today. Also, to the Hermans for providing Krispy Kreme to the entire band this morning before we left!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend and see you soon!

Mr. H

Urgent – Davidson County Band Night Moved


Due to weather concerns, Davidson County Band Night has been MOVED to Tuesday, October 26th.

We WILL still have regular practice TOMORROW (10/5) from 3:30pm – 7:00pm. All Marching Band Members are expected to attend!

Parents and Supporters will still be working on props as well.

Please spread the word.

Mr. H

OG Bands First Fundraiser of the Year!

Did you know we are working on our first fundraiser for the 2021-22 year?

It is also one of the simplest and most successful fundraisers around!

It involves no selling or delivery of any products! You simply input email addresses or cellphone numbers for your friends and family… let them know they may need to check their junk email folder and that’s it!

Each student has been challenged to reach out to 25 friends and family members!

This is a donation based fundraiser and will help us repair instruments that desperately need repair and purchase other equipment that is needed.

Any donations made to the Oak Grove Band are tax deductible!

Pre-Camp Letter

July 24, 2021

Students and Parents:

Good Evening Everyone!

I am so excited to start our 2021-22 “Sound of Grizzly Pride” band camp tomorrow!

Camp begins with our Student Leadership Team arriving at 1pm, other members and parents arriving at 2pm for check-in, and our opening meeting in the OGHS Auditorium at 3pm. After the meeting, students will have an opportunity to meet with their sections and we may even play or march a bit before everyone leaves at 5pm.

Unfortunately, we are still under some COVID-19 protocols (per DCS). Please adhere to the following guidelines when arriving to Oak Grove…

– Please enter/check-in through the doors at the end of the Fine Arts hall. We will have members of our Student Leadership Team there to help guide.

– Face Masks are optional for fully vaccinated individuals. For those partially vaccinated or unvaccinated, masks are required.

– After check-in, everyone is asked to go to the auditorium. Please leave an empty seat in between individuals in order to maintain the minimum three-foot social distancing guideline. Exception would be those living in the same household.

Students are asked to bring their instrument and wear tennis shoes. We will go over all other required items for camp during the meeting. If anyone has questions before 2pm tomorrow, please feel free to email or call me.

Here’s to the start of an incredible (and normal) marching band season for us at Oak Grove!

See you tomorrow.

Mr. H

Welcome to Oak Grove Bands Mr. Liner !

July 7, 2021

Students and Parents:

I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer and enjoying some vacation time here and there. With marching band camps right around the corner, I wanted to take a moment to share some great news!

I am very pleased and excited to announce that Mr. Matthew S. Liner (Matt) will be the new Director of Bands at Oak Grove Middle School. Matt comes to us with years of experience teaching both middle and high school band with tons of success. Prior to coming to OG, Matt taught previously in Davidson County, Ronald Reagan High School, and most recently, Meadowlark Middle School in Forsyth County. All of these bands under his direction have placed many students in honor bands at the county, district, and state levels. His concert and jazz bands have also earned numerous Superior ratings at district MPA and other festivals. Matt has also served on numerous band committees statewide and is currently Chair-Elect of the Northwest District Bandmasters Association, taking over as Chairman in the fall of 2022.

The band students and community of Oak Grove are very fortunate to have Matt as a band director and I am sure that his ultimate goals are to help our students learn to love playing an instrument and continue growing our program, making it one of the best! I am sure he will be reaching-out very soon with lots of great info about this upcoming school year.

Congratulations Matt, and we are looking forward to having you in our OG band family!

Mike Howell

Spring Concert

Mark your calendars and make plans to join both the OGMS and OGHS Bands on Tuesday evening, May 18th for our spring concerts in the OGHS stadium.

Important Spring Dates

Here are some important dates for the Oak Grove Bands this spring:

Wednesday, March 31st - Pick up Butter Braids and Cookie Dough from 4:30 - 6:30.

Thursday, April 1st - Final home football game Oak Grove vs Thomasville

Tuesday, April 13th - Formal marching band pictures

Thursday, April 15th - End of season marching show for parents

Tuesday, April 20th - Band Boosters Meeting @ 6:00

Tuesday, May 18th - OGMS and OGHS Bands Spring Concerts at OGHS Stadium

For more details see https://oakgrovebands.com/letters/

Spring Fundraiser – Butter Braids and Cookie Dough

Our final fundraiser for this year will be Butter Braids and Cookie Dough! We are fortunate that our band program is continuing to grow and with your support we are confident that we can raise the money needed to make our program successful for the benefit of our children, the school, and our community.

Keeping that in mind we would like to ask for 100% participation from our students with a goal of selling 5 or more items each.

Make checks payable to Oak Grove Band Boosters.

Important Dates:

March 1st - Fundraiser begins

March 18th - All order and money need to be turned in

March 31st - Butter Braids and Cookie Dough will be delivered and will need to be picked up.

Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who came out and helped work and shop at the Oak Grove Bands Dewey’s Store this holiday season! Our sales were down a little this year due to limited stock availability from Dewey’s and not knowing what sales would be like in the time of COVID-19 but we still raised a good amount to help support our Oak Grove Bands.

Marching Band is starting back up after our holiday break so be on the lookout for news on performances at football games and hopefully for families as well.

2020 Dewey’s Holiday Store

It's the most wonderful time of the year!  Time to come support your Oak Grove Bands at the 2020 Dewey's Holiday Store!  We are open every day from 11:00 am - 8:00 pm through December 23rd.  Christmas Eve we will be open from 8:00 am - 11:00 am.  We are located at the Midway Commons Shopping Center again this year between Dollar Tree and CVS.

This year we will be offering a great selection of Oak Grove gear as well.  Perfect Christmas gifts for students, parents, grandparents and anyone in the Oak Grove community.

The Dewey's Store has become a great fundraiser for Oak Grove Bands but it can't be a success without your help.

Click on the link below to choose a volunteer spot when you can help out in the store.  If each band family could cover just one shift we would have the whole schedule covered!


Here are some of our great Dewey's items and Oak Grove items available at the store this year.

It’s Fruit Sale Time!

It’s that time of year again – Oak Grove Bands Fruit Sale time! Information started going home with B day students on Friday and will be going home with A day students the first of the week. This fundraiser is an important sale to us and will allow our program to continue growing and developing excellence in music here at Oak Grove.

This year’s sale will run from: Monday October 5th-Thursday October 22nd. 

We will be able to sell both on-line and via the order brochures and envelopes that will be given to your student! Our supporters will have an option of direct shipment to their home or a delivery to the school later in the fall. 

Our website for online sales is: https://www.floridaindianrivergroves.com/ecommerce/382029

A Day Students will turn their envelopes and forms on Tuesday, October 20th in class.

B Day Students will turn their envelopes and forms on Thursday, October 22nd in class.

100% Remote Students will receive their materials according to instructions sent to them by the band directors and will be able to drop-off their orders and money at their school anytime between 8am and 3:30pm that Tuesday – Thursday (10/20-22).

Our goal is for each student to sell 5 items!

We have the following rewards in place for students:

Students that reach their goal will be treated to a donut day

The top seller in each grade will receive a $15 gift card of their choice and the overall top seller will get a $25 gift card!!!!

I know we can knock this fundraiser out of the park. Good luck Grizzlies!!!!!!